Friday, June 26, 2009

Peas and Queues

Now I am very much a traditionalist when it comes to manners...I was raised with the notions that you should be polite as you can to everyone and say please and thank you at every opportunity. It makes sense as if you are nice to someone then they will be in a better mood and will more than likely pass on the feeling of being nice to someone else and so on and so forth. "Making the world a better place", to coin the old proverb! And proving the "butterfly" effect!

So saying please or thank you to someone could in fact benefit 2,3,4,5 or even more people! It also acknowledges that you are indeed thankful to someone who has been nice to you, like the person who kept the door open for you or rang your bill through with a smile or gifted you a present for an occasion.

Manners don't cost anything but could mean the world to someone, so please be nice to someone you meet today. I know that this is a very short post but I wanted to say how much I appreciate good manners and politeness. Thank you for listening.

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