Sunday, June 14, 2009

Kit and caboodle

Following on from a previous post regarding the daily choices we make, I thought that I would mention something about broadening your horizons. Now barring any illegal or down right dumb and dangerous acts, I truly believe that we should actively seek new experiences in our lives as to either educate or broaden our views on anything and everything. Even if the thought of whatever it is - scares the heeby geebees out of us just a little.

From the moment we are born to the day that we expire, we are bombarded with opportunities to experience new ideas and notions. Yes of course, we all do eventually reach an age when the opportunities are not so abundant, but should that stop us from trying something new every once in a while? Should we seek out and choose things outside our comfort zone? Or be content with the daily schedule we have already? If a new opportunity presents itself, do you say "no" automatically without thinking?

So go forth and conquer my com padres....try something new at least once....because if you try it and still don't like it - at least you will have a reason to say "no" next time. OR you could even like it!

Garlic flavoured ice cream anyone?

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